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Old 06-07-2012, 01:45 PM   #804
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Tough call. I have not personally had to deal with it and even at 15, I know my son does not respond well to yelling... Not in sports or at home.

I think you discuss it with Micah and see how he feels about it. You could discuss it with the coach as well, explaining what you just said here, how he may not be at an age that he can process that type of direction and see if the coach has the ability to work around it, which is 50/50 at best IMO.

Usually coaches are pretty locked in to how they do stuff, not intentionally, it is just their make up. I think it is few and far between those that recognize who responds to what and play both sides of the fence.

Have to get back into court.... That is the quick, condensed....
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