Originally Posted by Blueface
After seeing a big guy fire a 12 gauge at the range this past Sunday, decided I would like to keep my shoulder as it currently appears and instead, move on to a weapon I can have more fun with.
It may have something to do with the type of gun he was shooting. A heavier semi-auto with a recoil pad is OK for shooting a few dozen rounds through. A lighter field gun is harder on you but only needs to be practiced with to get a feel for it. A home defense gun you would only shoot enough rounds to know what to expect.
One of the guns that has messed me up the most is a 30-30 carbine. A light gun with a narrow butt on the stock to concentrate the blow. Always makes me black and blue.
ARs are a lot of fun if you have a private place to shoot. A Ruger 10-22 with a scope and high capacity mags and a carton of shells with lots of cans, targets, ground squirrels, wood blocks, apples hanging in trees, crows, junk cars, etc. to shoot at is hard to beat for having fun on the cheap.