thanks, Ken! This little Cigar-Car Ashtray went through numerous changes and a lot of tweaking to get everything right. I've added some suggestions on my web site (order page) to help with some of the different applications we're finding out about.
We tested and tested, then re-tested the "Spring-Clip" with the most delicate wrappers such as Cameroon, Connecticut Shade, Sumatra, etc. . . . no problems . . . until someone reached across the table and pulled it out without lifting up. (impatient, grabby guy who also speaks without thinking!) So, we might have to put "directions" in the package. But, I'm apposed to that because all my products (so far) don't need directions!
Product development? You wouldn't believe the details we changed on the cup, the lid, the hinge, the spring-clip, the stirrup location, etc. The original design was MUCH bigger with a knob on the lid! The rim was too big. (see photo below) The design continued to evolve and we still have a couple minor modifications we'll implement that you would never think are worth the effort. But, I think they will make it a little better.
Here's a new suggestion I just added to my web site is:
The wrapper leaf on fine cigars is very delicate! Place your cigar into the "spring-clip" with a single downward movement. Do not "DRAG" the cigar front to back! It may tear the wrapper! Same upward motion to remove . . . lift straight up!"
Here's the other text from my order page:
The Stinky Cigar-Car Ashtray is designed to fit in the cup holder in your vehicle (car, truck, boat, golf cart, motorcycle or private jet). However, if you want to take your portable Stinky Cigar-Car Ashtray out of the car and sit on a park bench, you will need to add some weight to the cup, because when in the open position, the lid will cause it to tip over. Just add a rock or some nuts & bolts to counter balance the open lid. Retailers are told to put 25 copper pennies in the cup to display on their sales counter.
Some cup holders are too big or don't have an adjustable holder. We suggest using a beer can cooler (aka Coozie or can huggie) to fit your Stinky Cigar-Car Ashtray snuggly into a larger cup holder. Be creative and send me a picture!"
Thank you for the comments & input! And hey, thanks for letting me "plug" my own product! Be sure to get in touch with EricF if you want info on the Group-Buy.

Trying to find all the changes would be like the "
Finding Waldo" game!