I think Tom hit it, smoke what you like.
Jdrew has a nice thing going, and has created a complete lineup. Guys can get introduced to the infused stuff, and then when they want to move onto "real" cigars, they can stick right with him and exercise brand loyalty.
Prices are what they are. If a guy is following his brand, I suppose the prices are more than fair.
I don't find value in the t52, #9 or Undercrown line because, to me, they're very one-dimensional and unexciting. I can find a lot more bang for the buck in a lot of different places.
I will give JD a big thumbs up for making gorgeous, quality cigars that burn great and are very consistant flavor-wise. He stands behind all his stuff 100% and digs the cigar community. That's awesome.
I just don't have any need for any of his stuff, personally. I do gather up lots of Acids for the Troops, they love them. There's good in that, for sure.
Time to move on to bigger and better things, D.C.!!!