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Old 06-03-2012, 10:38 AM   #2859
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
Gotta tell you, never fired the 10mm Glock as have read 10mm packs one heck of a wallop, and also the added cost of ammo.
But man do I love my Glock 21. Like I tell folks, if a Golden Saber bullet doesn't put them down, throw the gun at them and you may kill them that way as that gun is so heavy, but in a very good way.
That gun feels so solid when fully loaded. The recoil is quite interesting as I would describe it rather than a muzzle flip of a typical gun, more like a rifle. I guess that is attributed to the weight of slide and barrel and new double spring on Gen4 models.
Son and I were both able to shoot numerous rounds (7-8 in a row), where placement was unbelievable almost on top of one another.
I have not been able to do that with any other gun.
The recoil isn't what I expected after shooting one. Not bad at all. The cost of ammo is what I'm not so excited about. The G21 is a big gun for sure. Do you have a G30 as well?