Originally Posted by Ogre
I know guns are like cigars, shoot what you like. I will just say this, the local police dept here got rid of all their Glocks due to 2 serious malfunctions. To me, its the Ford, Chevy, Dodge debate. If I could afford one, I would love to have either a Kimber or Sig 220.
Just for the record, I am a 1911 guy and collect WW2 German, cold war rifles/pistols MG's. I have Kimber Ultra carry II, it shoots no better then my $389 Rock Island compact your really paying for the name. I also had a 220 another fine pistol I ended up trading it for my 229. A lot of folks ask me what is a good pistol usually tell them what ever you can shoot well with.
Just out of curiosity what malfunctions did they have with Glock? I also work part time as gunsmith and 9 tenths of the malfunctions I see are operator induced.