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Old 05-31-2012, 09:04 PM   #2836
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Eh, FWIW...and I've owned a Glock (long gone now) and my brother currently owns one. So I've shot a few different Glocks and rented them at the range as well.....I share Larry's thoughts, Glocks aren't for me.

They aren't that cheap...the $500 includes the plastic crap sights, they aren't accurate. Changing them out costs $150 or so to. That's $650-$700 total. Back in the day, and what I paid, was $850 for a Dan Wesson 1911, they are EONS apart in quality and accuracy.

Glocks get used and carried by LEO's for reliability and durability alone. I would argue this is why you see so many shootings where dozens upon dozens of bullets are fired without hitting anything but that's another thread entirely and is solely based on my experience with Glocks being inaccurate.

Stock Glocks have piss-poor accuracy. Upgrading the sights makes them tolerable but I still feel you are trading comfortability and accuracy for durability and reliability.

Sure if you practice enough with any gun you'll get the hang of it, but IMHO Glocks have the most learning curve.
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