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Old 05-31-2012, 08:37 PM   #2833
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by bonjing View Post
Ogre, Why not just go Glock with the finger extension.

Bottom line is Glock is the top shelf when it comes to polymer hand guns. (period) Most every design try to be Glock but still never measure up. There are more PD's & military carrying Glocks then all the other models combined! There isn't a design currently that can handle the abuse a Glock will endure. You have the interchangeability - most all the internal parts interchange from the Glock 17 to 39 (and most parts are $4-5). All mags in the same caliber interchange (from full size down to sub compact = interchangeability) and sell for $10 for foreign surplus or $23-$24 for factory Glock mags All Glocks only contain 34 parts, 4 of the parts alone are in the magazines. Most appealing is they currently sell for $499 to aprox. $550 and come with up to 3 high cap mags (gen 4)

Sorry Ogre - Taurus is the Gurkha of the firearms world if I had to trust my life on a handgun and you are surrounded by walkers it be a Glock.

A gun in your hand is better then a cop on the phone
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