Originally Posted by Blak Smyth
Cole, roasting your own coffee is fun and extremely rewarding.
It takes a bit of planning and thinking ahead, oh and practice.
I have a small roaster that roasts about 1/3 pound at a time, it is very consistent but at about 19-22 minutes it takes much longer than most roasters. I now order my beans in ten pound bags and save a ton of money, I want to eventually order a 75lb bag or two.
After the 19-22 minute roasting period, I leave my beans out in the air (Out of direct light) for 12-24 hours to de-gas and then bag them up for 1-4 days until I brew them. I try to always have beens roasted without letting them get older than a week. It is a balancing game that takes some time to get used to.
Anything you can make on your own gives you an extra sense of pride and enjoyment IMO.
And all the warm comments I have received have been very encouraging.
Eventually I plan on getting a bigger capacity roaster and putting my coffee out to brothers here.
Send me a PM if you have any questions or post in the What did you roast today thread for more advice. If you LOVE coffee, you MUST start roasting your own beans!!!
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13
For me it's a passion to tinker. I'm a foodie from head to toe, and get really geeked on creating things. I'm always in search of that perfect 'whatever'. That's why i make my own sausage, have brewed my own beer, make my own bread (when I ate it), etc. There's something about the artisinal aspect of things like roasting your own coffee. You have the ultimate control over the end product. Want it darker, easy, just roast it longer. Like a lighter roast, just pull the plug sooner. The cost factor wasn't a big deal for me since I don't drink a lot of coffee daily, averaging 2 cups in my travel mug.
Like Shane says, you have to do some fore thought before you can have fresh roasted coffee. I roasted some on Tuesday night that I'll start drinking tomorrow. Eventually I'll upgrade my roaster to one with a larger capacity, but that's just so I can roast more to give away.
My next artisinal endeavor, home roasted peanut butter.
Thanks Gents! I did some looking around and it doesn't seem that difficult. I definitely love drinking coffee FOR TASTE (Black only!) and this seems like something I think i would like to give a try. Best part, if I suck at it, it doesn't cost much to start...and I can buy off of you artists
oh, and

Garry for thread jacking. I'll take a look at the what are you roasting today thread. Thanks all! And good luck Garry!