Originally Posted by mosesbotbol
He's going to need some miles on a road bike before attempting a ride like that. The altered riding position will be too much without some saddle time.
Agreed....but in the end, it still would be a better alternative. Riding position be damned.... Though the position change would be significant, it would still be the better option IMO for that long a ride, even if getting on one for the first time ever.
Originally Posted by PeteSB75
How much of a difference does it make, going from a MB to a road or touring bike? I'm riding a Specialized Crosstrail Sport with road slicks right now. This is only my second season riding, but doing pretty good getting into slightly longer distances. Doing a 50mi ride on Sunday. Would getting a road bike be worth the money?
Night and day, MTB to Roadie... REALLY enjoy doing long supported rides with both & really don't have a favorite. Have even taking the MB on the work commute on occasion, but in the end, besides both being bikes, IMO, two different animals. I cannot speak to the touring cross-sport bikes, I have never even been on one.....