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Old 05-30-2012, 12:32 PM   #18
Come Get It
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Default Re: Last Day of the Auction

A few thoughts as to why it may be smaller than the first.

1. It's not the first. The first one was brand new and exciting.
2. There is another large auction one month from today many will be participating in. I know I have a certain amount to spend total and what I spend on this auction would come out of the one in a month. This wasn't a problem in the last one (for me). I've still bid a little and monitoring some, but more OK missing out on a lot with another coming up. For me it was easier to donate a lot than spend money this time around.
3. Some may miss the forum. May be stretching here, but it was always there and stagnant for months, I had trained my eye to ignore it during the off months.

Just a few random ramblings....
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