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Old 05-30-2012, 12:12 PM   #12
Suck It
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Default Re: Last Day of the Auction

Originally Posted by TJarv View Post
I can't believe my bid for the winedor has held up
There's a WINADOR??? Oh SNAP, let me get over there. There's BROKE, and then there's BROKE with
a wineador.

JK, you should be fine. Unless someone reads this. I sure didn't mean to seem to be saying that persons
having some kind of tenure here should be bidding better, I just thought that our enthusiastic newbies would
be better represented. (breaking Rule 1 again) There is stuff in there I would have KILLED to have as a
newbie. But like Rule 1 states, no pressure from me, just that observation in general. When pots call
kettles black, you can always spot me hanging around. After reading these replies, it seems money is a
bigger issue than I thought. Maybe the inaugural auction forced broke people to bid out of patriotism and
a general ooh-rah spirit coupled with good old CA superiority, haha. Let's hope the economy improves for
all. If I wasn't saving hard for a house, I might be a little reckless. As it was, all I could do is provide a few
lots and shipping of same, which I will already do with a grumble, haha.
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