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Old 05-25-2012, 10:48 AM   #135
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Default Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

It's getting there, Lance. Soil looks a little dry, though. Are you using a soaker hose with that set-up? Or a sprayer head or a drip system? I'm too lazy, and the garden is too big for a drip system, but I do use soaker hoses where the crop is close enough to justify. My mound crops like the watermelons, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes, I water (the mounds) by hand sprayer and by water bucket. Otherwise, I'd be watering a bunch of empty ground just to satisfy the "weeds-to-be"!!!
Ceilin' fan it stirs the air, Cigar smoke does swirl. The fragrance on the pillow case, and he thinks about the girl. Thanks, JB, 1975.
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