Originally Posted by Apoco
You pick skills / talents + runes for each skill / talent.
The biggest let down is that you can only pick from ~4 skills per key...unless you turn on "elective mode". Then you can put any of the ~24 skills on any key you please. (Don't ask me why this isn't on by default. I guess it is to keep the noobs from making the game unplayable or something?)
You have 24 skills plus about 6-7 runes per skill (I'm having to estimate because I'm at work). This leaves for ~144 - 168 possible combinations.
I've been reading quite a bit online (specifically on Reddit) about Diablo 3 an the complaints behind it. I'm seeing a lot of people say they feel the game is solid overall - but it just doesn't feel like a Diablo game to them. So maybe I'm completely wrong. But at least in terms of control scheme and such it feels like a Diablo game to me. Past about level 10 (the first hour or so) I haven't felt restricted on my skills in the least.
OH! There's also 3 passive skill slots. You pick from ~10-15 passive skills to go in any of those 3 slots. There's plenty of various combinations you can run. There only seems to be one required skill per class - it is the skill that removes any movement speed effects and what not. It is pretty much required starting about Act III in Nightmare (or at least for me it is).
And yes, you're correct - there is no cow level. There is still a secret level in some form that I haven't researched because I don't want to spoil the surprise - but it isn't a cow level.
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I'll give it some more effort. It's just not pulling me in at all. I can't get enthusiastic about it, which is odd. Maybe Demon Hunter's not for me.