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Old 05-22-2012, 09:13 AM   #59
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Default Re: Smoking in Car Thread

Originally Posted by 357 View Post
Ozone generators/Ionizers/De-Ionizers will kill odor. They claim to clean the air, but that is hotly debated. What isn't debated is their ability to kill odor. They will remove all odor, new-car smell, smoke, anything. Fresh rain smell is that of ozone created by friction of the raindrops falling through the air. That is the only thing you'll smell in a room/car that has had one running in it for a while. Ionizers are not good at actively cleaning the air, for example while someone is smoking. It won't hurt to run it then, but it'll do a good job to kill the odors after the fact. It's not good for you to sit in an unvented room or car with an ozone generator running. High concentrations breathed can be bad for you. If you get a sore throat from it, vent more, or just set it to run after you get out of the car.

My earlier question was to the effectiveness of the very small 12V versions our there sold for automotive use. I know the larger home/120v AC models work well for de-odorizing. I just want something I can use in the car. I'll update this thread once I pick one up and test it out.
Thanks for the info Mike. The small 12V model is what I was looking for as well. I think I may pick up the ionizer tonight and use it along with an air freshener at the end of the trip. Let me know what you find out when you pick one up.
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