Thread: Game of Thrones
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Old 05-21-2012, 06:40 PM   #290
Cigar Jesus
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Default Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
No spoilers but....after tonights episode, is it me or does anyone have a bit of a time following the characters and remembering their names? I really don't know the names of half of the usually mentioned characters.

Clearly they are compacting A LOT of characters into a short 10 episode season, which I don't understand. This is a BIG show and for it to only have 10 episodes in a season really makes it hard to follow. There are many key characters getting less than 2 minutes per show or sometimes completely missing from episodes. (Tonights example Sansa Stark). One could also argue over Daenerys Targaryen's mere 90 seconds of screen time if that.

Tonight's episode seemed like filler, we all know what we wanted to see happen and it just didn't. They messed around too much and B.S'd their way through spending time pointing out the obvious.

This show needs like 15-18 episodes per season.
You should read the books... the show is like a vacation in that regard... they left out at least 50% of characters that have an impact in the book. Seriously, while the show has a lot, the book is crazy with it.

Originally Posted by Sawyer View Post
They are doing a good job of mimicking the books then because that is exactly how the books come off to me. Cliffhanger after cliffhanger with very little ever really happening. I am on the last fourth of book five and while there are some exciting things that happen, most of the books seem like filler with these epic cliffhangers that hardly ever turn out to be anything special.
2 more books in production... though I'm not sure when they are slated to drop. Hopefully the gap isn't as long as between 4 and 5 (5 years, I believe?). My other hope is that some of these questions will be answered... I wonder what is significant and what just simply is what it is because that's how it is.

I'm about a third of the way through book 5 myself.
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