Thread: Games thread!
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Old 05-21-2012, 07:00 AM   #1623
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Default Re: Games thread!

I don't see D3 as cartoony. I think Diablo 3 stayed true to the Diablo name - it feels similar to Diablo 2.

My Demon Hunter is up to 43 now and is in Act 3 Nightmare. I also started up a couple of hardcore characters - a level 10 Monk and a level 9 Wizard. I'm gonna try to level them about the same pace along with one of my friends.

My complaints so far are really, really minimal. I wish the auction house had an in-game version. I still wish I could use WASD to move (I understand that it would break from the Diablo history...but still).

...that's pretty much it. It is a game that feels solid. It is obvious that they took their time and did it right. Everything has been tested over and over again. I'm at about 20-30 hours put into it so far I think...not anywhere close to tired of it. I keep hoping that I'll find a reason to go home early and play some more

I've played about half of that time 100% solo and half of that time with a group of friends. Fun both ways - although I prefer having a couple of friends on Ventrilo. The most fun was when we all made it to nightmare and raced through Act I in different games. Lamenting the decision of whether or not to take a break to go pee, hearing my friend scream that she is so bad at reading minimaps, and calling out fake updates about where I was to throw them off was just too much fun
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