Originally Posted by MrTucson
Hey Chris, I just picked up my 280 and just finished the 1st wipedown with Baking soda and water, going to do a few more tricks that have been mentioned above before I start the filling process. Have you sold are are you ready to get rid of your shelves yet? You have been an incredible help in the process so THANK YOU!! 
Glad the thread helped out so much brother! That was the only reason I wanted to create this build thread was I wanted to help out future BOTL with theirs as well and between here and another forum I have helped Tons so far and that makes me very pleased.
My collection was starting to get out of control but some recent wedding set-backs forced me to sell around 100 premium sticks and I now have plenty of room ... so the thought of buying a drawer system from Forrest and selling the trays won't happen for a while now I think.
If you are going the tray route though I still recommend you getting some trays from Forrest ... he sells the same trays basically for $10 ... and you can also get them for like 3 bucks more a trays to go about 2" deeper and 4" for $7 more more.
The one thing though is for 10 bucks I dont think Forrest trays come with divider and CH.com does ... you may be able to work out a deal with him if you email or PM him.
I would have bought the ones from Forrest if he had these back when I build my cooler that are 2" deeper cause I would have more and I would still I think have room for the palstic trays I got in the back as well.
But I suggest the funds to go to a BOTL on the forums for the 10 dollar trays instead of CH.com ... plus they may be build a little better with pssibly thicker SC wood maybe.
Let me know if I can help out any further with your build brother and good luck!