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Old 05-18-2012, 03:01 PM   #51
Just in from the Storm
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Madman31 is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Do you do what you love for work?

Originally Posted by chachee52 View Post
I'm a Physical Therapist. I've always said, as someone else in this thread did, if I won the lottery I'd still do Physical Therapy (just would take a lot more days off!!!!!
Will I be rich doing this? No
But every day is completely different, and every hour is completely different. Yes, there are some crazy people out there, but I take that as somewhat of a challenge to try to get them better. And the reward to see someone that couldn't walk at first walk out of the clinic is a great experience.
I love what i do and wouldn't change it for the world.
I've always thought this would be a great job! Great to hear it from the horse's mouth. What do you think about physical therapy assistants? I might be going for that. Will it be just as rewarding as your job? (but obviously with lower pay)
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