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Old 05-17-2012, 11:41 AM   #3
ZOTL's mmmmm brainssss
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Default Re: A question about death....

I love this question. I have considered it many times...

I agree that some people would be "crippled" knowing the date, time, and way they will die. However, I look at it this way...

death happens to everyone, there is no amount of worrying, running, changing, money, or science that will keep you alive forever; therefore, why not know? If i knew when, then I think that would take all the worrying away.

I think about it this way...because no one knows when they will die, they are constantly worrying about it, thinking about it, trying to live their life a certain way (i.e. health, monetarily, etc.). If they knew, then they could ease their worrying and make sure to spend more time with the people and things that really matter in life. I think people would be generally happier. If you knew you were going to be dead tomorrow, you would probably be pleasant today; however, since you don't may in fact be a complete a-hole today.

Also, as no one will ever really know, we already have a jaded outlook on it.
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