05-15-2012, 08:27 AM
Re: Game of Thrones
Originally Posted by OLS
Change the text color to a light tan, so people have to select it it read it....I would love to hear your thoughts.
OK...my thoughts...
As for the bodies that were shown at the end of the episode in Winterfell by Theon, I think they were the bodies of the two orphans that Bran and Rickon had mentioned were at the farm. I think that if it was Bran and Rickon, the bodies of Osha and Hodor would be seen, too. Speaking of Osha...damn nice to see what she's been hiding under those dirty clothes..she's got a rockin' bod.
As for the wildling that Jon Snow had captured, you had to know she was leading him back to the rest of her clan. It'll be interesting to see what happens to him with the wildling clan.
I was surprised as hell at the happenings in Qarth. Didn't see that slaughter coming. Wow! honestly, I'd like to see her get the dragons back. I have a feeling that if/when she does, there will be hell to pay. 
I'm not sure what he's got up his sleeve, but I like what the half-hand has been doing. I like him standing up for Sansa and wanting someone to go get her. I don't quite get what's up with Sandor. Does he have a conscience or not? His comment that he's the only thing between Joffrey and her to Sansa made me rethink his character. It was interesting to see Cersei's take on Joffrey. She's obviously overly power hungry, with he saying she's never been able to control Joffrey, yet ensuring he ascends to the throne.
And Arya being in service to Tywin could prove an advantage to Robb. I wonder what will happen if Tywin asks any more questions about her background. I wonder how much she'll be able to come up with to placate him. I wonder who she has killed for her 3rd choice.