Originally Posted by yachties23
I've actually said my peace on Joe Torre.
I think he is the most overrated manager in the history of baseball.
The Thoroughbred horse he was given to ride by the combination of Buck Schowalter and Stick Micheal was amazing. There aren't many guys who wouldn't be hall of fame bound with that team to coach. Let us not forget the headline of the NY Daily News the day he was hired "Clueless Joe"
I don't think he was disrespected, and I think what he did to the yankees in his biography was horrible.
I think the guys who the franchise disrespected were:
Bernie Williams
Don Mattingly
Buck Schowalter
Interesting, I'm surprised that your blanket statement about Bombers fans and booing Mo didn't translate over to hate on the org for pushing him out. I agree with your sentiments on Sleepy Joe completely.
How was Bernie dissed? I had to sit through him playing take me out to the ballgame twice in the outfield on opening day.
Mattingly made his own bed archoring himself to Torre, and he must not interview very well to not land that job unless again it was about him being with Torre and he got his job now anyways.
Good stuff, cheers,