Originally Posted by jjirons69
Looking good, Cliff! When you get enough, send some of the liquid sunshine our way. I can't remember the last rain.
On a side note, I stayed on top of that poison ivy with my creams. It's all but gone. I sprayed every leaf I could find this weekend with some double-strength Round Up.
LOL. I'll see if I can bottle some of the rain! Congrats on kicking the Ivy's arse!! BTW, Ace Hardware has a weed killer that has the same active ingredient as Round-up, at half the cost (on the concentrate). I have some left, but it's out in the workshop, and rain just started falling. If you have an Ace nearby, I'd recommend it. It is a stronger mixture, and works faster and better than Round-up, IMO. As soon as I know I have a good 48 hours of sunshine coming, I will go thru about 6 gallons (mixed) of the killer around the house, barn, fence and yard areas. That should take care of the need to weed-eat for several months!!