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Old 05-07-2012, 08:27 PM   #76
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Default Re: what kind of butane do you use?

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox View Post
Have you used Vector fuel before? If so, how do TattooWorks and Vector compare?
Yes I have, I was stuck using Vector before Slimboli turned me on to Tattoworks.

Telling the difference visually is very subjective. In the same lighters, the Tattooworks appears to perform better. It's noticeable, but not an earth shattering difference.

I'm not a big user of torches, typically I use a bic, so I can't comment on the long term results of heavy use, maybe some of the other guys can comment there.

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
Ah thanks Adam, first I ever heard of Tattooworks being used. In reality I've got enough butane for quite a few years but seeing as how cheap it is, never hurts to pick up a few cans here and there.
Welcome Bill.

FWIW, I've been advised to avoid the TattooWorks cans with the colored backgrounds, like the ones found on ebay. Allegedly, they are knock off cans filled with a lower grade product. The legit cans have black backgrounds as seen on the lavabutane site. There are, IIRC, six or eight different tattoo designs and when you place any of the legit cans side by side with the knock-off, it's really obvious how poorly done the knock-offs are.

Last edited by T.G; 05-07-2012 at 08:34 PM.
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