Thread: "Retro" Smokes
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Old 05-02-2012, 07:17 PM   #20
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Default Re: "Retro" Smokes

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat View Post
There were lots of boutiques and trendy cigars back in the boom time. LGC Wavells were on everyone's list and cigars from the Villazon factory like ERDM, Excalibur and well-aged Consuegra. LaLuna was a cult boutique as was Astral (went under and was bought by JR).

And, Saka was an internet poster, not a company exec.

So, expensive cigars for guys in the know are hardly new.
Are you saying the the LGCs, ERDM, Excaliburs, were boom cigars - or trendy???
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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