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Old 01-11-2009, 12:02 PM   #10
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up Re: Stray black lab mix story.

We've been feeding he once to twice a day. Well, we know she gets most of the food because we watch her eat through the blinds on the windows. We assume she's eating the food we leave out otherwise, but we do have a neighbor who lets their Chihuahua out and... She still won't get closer than fifteen feet or so from me. Each time I open the door to try to get a pic, she head to the other side of the street. :-(

Yesterday when I looked out, she was doing donuts in the lot across the street chasing her tail then running full speed one way then the other. Seemed like she was in good spirits. Still hoping for the best for her. She's a very attractive dog.

Thanks to all for reading and for the kinds words and bumps.
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