Thread: Games thread!
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:48 PM   #1605
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Default Re: Games thread!

Originally Posted by madwilliamflint View Post
I left soon after Kunark actually. I came back briefly after PoP sometime and realized that was stupid.

Now that I've graduated the n00b zone (and they finally "did something" about health recover rates) I'm the only toon haunting Qeynos and BlackBurrow. It's really strange. The freeness keeps me poking my head back in for an hour or two without worrying about commitment, so I end up playing more. Same thing with Aion, only Aion's...dumber.
Lets see - I started in about August of 1999 and quit in early 2007. I replaced that habit with WoW.

The last expansion i remember playing was Prophecy of Ro - there may have been more after but that is the last one I remember. I can still remember the immense frustration of my first raid in Gates of Discord. After the keying process that took WEEKS - the first raid I went on lasted 7 hours. We made it to the one boss at the back of the zone and wiped on him. By then all the trash had reset and we had to quit.

That's right - 7 hours of CLEARING TRASH and then nothing came of it. That was the last raid I went on in Everquest.

My raider was a Froglok Shaman. Before that I had a dwarven warrior and a wood elf bard. The bard was the most fun to solo on because I could circle kite entire groups around. Circle kiting a group of 16-17 monsters was hilarious. Or glitching High Hold Keep by using a shrink potion and hiding under a table while I killed the ENTIRE ZONE.

...seriously, brain. Why can I remember all of this stuff but none of the stuff I learned in school 2 years ago? Lame.
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