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Old 04-23-2012, 05:39 PM   #14
Way out there
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Default Re: Retire rich or retire early?

I ponder this all the time my self...I have a good job for a average idiot, I like it and it gives me most the tools I need to retire at a decent age. I'm shooting for 45-55 years old myself. The wife is going to take over bread winning duty's soon as she is working towards being a RN. When the wife tells me to stay home and clean the house I will know it's time.
I would love to retire or even semi retire while I'm healthy enough to have fun with my boys and nieces and I will more than likely be taking over a gun shop or some other part time work later on. ("welcome to Wal-Mart do you need a cart")
This all depends on return of investments too. I (we) could all be broke tomorrow.

So in a nut shell....I want out before 62.
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