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Old 04-20-2012, 10:53 AM   #1
Just in from the Storm
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Default NEWB Humi! Xikar Products HELP!

Before I ask my questions, here is my Humidor & its accessories


Humidifier - I used distilled water to charge it

Hygrometer (out of the box) + the Stock Analog that is Calibrated using a Boveda 75% RH kit

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My Questions
1. The Xikar Crystal Humidifier is rated up to 250ct and my Humidor is a 50ct, is this going to affect how it maintains the 70% RH because of how big the humidifier is? (An older gentleman that works at the humidor shop says it will be just fine. he says he has +50 yrs experience in the hobby)
2. The Digital Hygrometer, Do they come Out of the box reading ‘- +2% RH’ without the need of calibration? (The older gentleman told me they do).

The issue I’m having is the Digital Hygrometer is reading my Humidor at 71-73% and my analog was reading it at 80% RH. I believe my Digital Hygrometer is reading ‘- 2% RH’ (read further), so in reality the Humi is sitting at 75% (IF I’m right) … and the Analog SHOULD be calibrated correctly (used 75% RH Boveda kit)

-Prior to me buying the Digital hygrometer & Xikar Humidifier -The humidor was seasoned by wiping it down lightly using a new sponge with Distilled water, leaving a shot glass of Distilled water in the Humi and having the sponge humidifier (the stock humidifier) charged with distilled water. I kept the Humi shut for 6 days and my analog hydrometer (calibrated with the Boveda kit) reads at 68-70 % RH. So after seasoning the Humidor, I put my cigars in… after a few weeks, the analog humidifier reads 68-75% RH WITH the cigars in it (50% cigar capacity of humidor), which is normal, I hear, depending on temperatures and how often I open the humidor .Using the stock humidifier and one of the Drymyst sticks, I was worried that my Hygrometer wasn’t reading properly because I smoked a Winston church hill cigar (my favorite) and it tasted sort of sour... which makes me believe my humidity level is too high...
So after which I went to the Humidor club here in town with my humidor and bought the Digital hygrometer along with the Xikar Humidifier. The employee there said I was doing everything perfect and I should try to re-season my Humidor because the walls looked dry *even though the Hygrometer was reading perfect levels…. I guess this whole time I’ve been destroying my beauties!

-Seasoning the Humidor for a second time-I didn’t worry about calibrating the digital hygrometer because of what the employee told me about the digital hygrometers and being perfect out of the box.
-He told me to do the same thing, wipe down the humidor and close the lid (no need for shot glass or using the humidifiers in the beginning).
-After 3 days- I charged my new Xikar Humidifier with distilled water and stuck both the Xikar humidifier and the Digital Hygrometer in the Humidor.
-Day 5 – The digital hygrometer reads 71-74% @ 72-80 degree temps (Texas weather ... we don’t run the AC below 78 when no one is home.. I gotta find a better spot to stick the Humi)
Okay so after 2 days with the Xikar Humidifier, that promises 70% RH with the release and Emit through the beads/crystals, The Hygrometer is reading higher than 70, mind you it’s probably reading -2%, so the Humidor is over 75% RH?!
I need advice so I can put my mind at ease about the Humidity % of my cigars and humidor... I'm worried that my cigars have been sitting in 75%+ RH this whole freaking time… I have not put the cigars back in yet, they are sitting in the Boveda travel bag with a Drymyst stick in it
I am currently Re-calibrating my Analog Hygrometer... The humidor still has the Xikar Humidifier and Digital Hygrometer in it... so waiting to go home to read the %s.
I just bought these Xikar products because the guys at the shop praised the Xikar humidifiers…. What do I need to do…?
  1. Is the Xikar humidifier junk?
  2. Is it too big for the 50ct...?
  3. Does the humidifier really release and emit moisture for 70% RH?
  4. Do I need to calibrate my Digital Hygrometer?
  5. Am I just being overzealous about this whole thing and need to relax?!

I appreciate all the advice.. Thank you and advance!

-Side notes-
From Xikar’s website:
XIKAR humidifiers are a two-way system, meaning they 1) emit and 2) absorb moisture to maintain 70% relative humidity

And sorry about broken English in the post..
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