Re: What's with people calling you "Chief" ?
I seldom call anyone by their name, but that's only because I can't remember it. If I have five minutes to come up with your name, I'll get it. Time constraints being what they are in the world today, I'll just call you whatever comes to mind. I've recently taken to calling the sprinkler guy potatacawk, for example.
I had no idea "chief" was a retail name for asshole. Chiefy Dahrouge was a guy from way back in kid-dom who sold firecrackers to us kids from his soda-fountain store. He was a good old dude, we all loved him and looked after him. I continued to look after him while he rooted in the park dumpsters for soda cans. He was a hometown institution. He called everyone "chief". He called my Dad chief when he was a kid, and my grandpa before him. I didn't think he meant it in a bad way, but it kinda adds up.
You guys have completely broken my heart. I hope you're happy with yourselves, Chief.