Re: Games thread!
After MUCH emoness i finally got Fallout 3 working and i goto say what a improvement over new vegas it is.
Unlike new vegas these little things called energy weapons are something to cherish they are hard to maintain and not just given to you at the start of the bloody game a laser pistol in the docs house aye why not just give us some hardened power armour and a turbo plasma rifle to boot.
After doing a small loop around the capital wasteland which for one is a far more believable setting then new vegas i found my stimms where gone and i was resorting to eating anything i could find to stay alive my ammo was being conserved unlike vegas when you have buckets of it and i was using a 10mm SMG instead of the laser rifle i got near the start of the game and i had a good dose of rads to boot.
All in all Fallout 3 is soo much better than NV but still not as good as fallout 1 and 2 the lack of a Frank Horrigan/The Master type just pulls it down a bit.