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Old 04-17-2012, 12:55 PM   #18
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Default Re: LSU Quiddich.....?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
Personally I think if they don't fly, it isn't quiddich. I also considered the element of only having one hand available during play but they should just put it in their pocket or wear a mitten
If they had it in a pocket that would be much lamer. With a mitten the hand could still be used to some degree. Neither of these methods, or any similar ones, would hinder movement. If it wasn't for the broom the snitch would be toast withing a few minutes.

Not flying doesn't change the fact that folks from my LSU to Harvard are digging this and playing it as best as physically possible. Hell, a quiddich enthusiast engineering student might even invent some sort of flying broom.
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