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Old 04-17-2012, 10:50 AM   #1
Suck It
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Default LSU Quiddich.....?

OK, so I am not informed on what the cool kids are doing these days, BUT I got an email from college district
asking me to rate a new shirt that I am assuming will be sold later if people like it enough....LSU QUIDDICH.
I of course laughed, they make all kinds of weird shirts for weird fans. But my sister said I WANT ONE,
and I thought, wait, what?? So since guugle is your friend, I came up with this disturbing collection of links.

I PLAY QUIDDICH!!..............................Of COURSE you do.

I PLAY QUIDDICH!! Hey baby, ME TOO! Is that broom between your legs or are you just naturally hot, my little indian bravelet?

Last edited by OLS; 04-17-2012 at 10:58 AM.
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