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Old 04-15-2012, 03:48 PM   #2738
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

First 250 rounds with the Ruger SR9c

WOW! I truly have nothing for comparison so I'm going to be a little biased.

I got my cleaning supplies out, a soft pad and started to disassemble the gun, I had it taken down in just under a minute, VERY simple procedure. I then proceeded to clean the entire gun, maybe a little more thoroughly than I needed to but it seems from what I've read, there's a lot of stuff on this gun from the factory, so I made sure to do a good job. I used a combination of Gunzilla and Hoppe's #9 for cleaning, Gunzilla for lubrication along with Mobile 1 15-w50 applied with a toothpick to the slide rails.

I put a couple snap caps in the mag and went to the living room for a little practice getting used to the feel of the safety, trigger and operations of the gun in regard to the slide, slide lock and mag release. After about a half hour of that, I decided to head to my cousins house for a little shooting.

"RANGE" (Cousins house)
My cousin Gabriel has a nice home out in the country with his own shooting range. He was not home yet, planned on being there in about an hour so I just got started. I forgot to buy some targets, so I brought paper plates along, noting drawn on them, just white. I tapped them to the burn barrel, paced off 21' and laid a log down for my shooting line. I loaded the 10 round clip in the gun, put on my glasses and ear electronic ear muffs (from the woodshop), walked to the log and turned the safety off. Bang, first shot in the flat surface of the plate, not touching the ribbed outer edge, so within an 8" circle, the remaining 9 rounds all landed in the same area, mostly lower to mid height all centered or left of center.

The second 17 round clip, 13 in the center area and 4 in the ribbed area. I shot 8 clips before I missed the plate, not to bad I was thinking for someone who's only fired a semi-automatic pistol once and not in a couple years. I hit 10/10 right handed only, I hit 10/10 left handed only.

Then Gabe comes home, he's a County Sheriff where I live and he set up another target at 21 feet and then one at 75 feet. His dept practices and qualifies their officers at 75'. I hit 6/10 on my first try at 75', two in the bull which at that range was a 6" circle and the other 4 just on the paper. After that, we did a kneeling shot at the target on the burn barrel, 5 shots, run 20" to my truck, kneel down along the side and take 5 shots at the second 21" target, then ran up range and fired 5 shots at the 75 yard target. Gotta admit, that was kinda fun.

Over all I shot 250 rounds through the gun with not one misfire or jam, the gun worked flawlessly and felt very comfortable. I also shot Gabes Glock .40 and his S&W 1911 .45, both of which I shot very well and were awesome guns. Not so much a fan of the Glock with no safety, but that's just me and my Dad for decades telling me, "don't you ever take that safety off until you're ready to pull the trigger." I felt like crap when I got home, so I had some supper, hit the shower and went to bed. I'll clean the gun when I get home tonight and look for any shavings from the slide and frame getting used to each other.

All things being considered, I'm VERY happy with my purchase. I also love my Upula mag loader, whoa, that things makes loading just to freakin' easy. I will get a couple more clips in the future, but for now, I'm just on cloud 9mm with my new gun!

Overtime pays more because of what you're missing, money isn't everything.
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