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Old 04-15-2012, 07:36 AM   #3077
Suck It
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

Yesterday I Grilled 6 burgers, then readied the smoker to smoke 6 chicken legs and 8 pork fingers,
or "western Style Pork Ribs" I love those things!
When that was done I smoked a slab of bacon that had been cut up for this asian-style pork belly
that Jon brought up the other day. i got ready to commence that recipe and realized I had no braising
wine or soy sauce. So I smoked them and then cut them up last night into bacon. You know, when I
throw up the lid to the smoker and say, MAN THAT LOOKS UNBELIEVABLE, I should get my CAMERA!
I am sad to say that only one photo was taken and even THAT was after the meat had been put up.
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