Well, in 9 hours and 50 minutes, I get to pick up my new Ruger SR9c! I can't even tell you how freakin' excited I am. However, my daughter (who is married with children) is VERY concerned about having a gun in our house (although her husband has a 9mm as well...odd.) So, I've collected watches over the years, mainly Invicta and have several Invicta watch cases that I thought I could convert to ammo and gun safes. They are made of a high impact polycarbonate with foam linings slotted to protect either 3 or eight watches. The 3 slot cases I think will work wonderfully for housing the guns and ammo at home and also for transportation to the range.
Here's the outside of the Invicta watch case:
Here's the inside with watches:
Removing the foam I can get two rows across and three rows up/down and stack them three high for a total of 900 round capacity. Or, I could install new foam and slot them out to fit 10 boxes of 50 standing up on edge with each box having it's own slot, this seems like a much more reasonable option as the bullets would never tumble around:
I would then of course use a second box, add new foam and make an exact cutout for the Ruger, extra clips and other accessories. That way I have both gun and ammo stored in separate "safes" and both are capable of putting two locks on each, L & R on front.
Hopefully this will put her mind at ease.