Originally Posted by Apoco
Yep! Going to tackle:
Children of the Mind
Ender's Shadow
I've been amazed looking at Wikipedia regarding the Ender's Game series. He's written 13 full novels - only 5 of them (Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind, and Shadows Alive which he is writing now) are really considered to be part of the quintet...the rest are just other cool things he wanted to add in.
I really like Orson Scott Card's writing style. I'm considering reading through LotR again once I've finished up with the Ender's series...but I'm scared to dive back into Tolkien. "Ahhh yes - let me spend SIX PAGES describing this door to you..."
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I've reado most of Card's works as I also love his writing. Looking forward to rereading some of it in the future