Re: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
For the record, I am totally in the smoke what you love camp. JD actually recommended this board to me on that basis when I met him at event here in Charlotte. So I would never encourage or discourage someone on a particular stick because of what I thought of the name.
Second, I don't expect my quirks to make sense to everyone and fully acknowledge that there is no rhyme or reason to why I am ok with some names and not with others.
Third, I did not do a good job clarifying that I wasn't really talking about over priced marketing hype either. In general I don't buy things for labels, but again if you do and that's your thing, then good on ya.
One of the really cool things about this whole hobby is that the aesthetics of a cigar can be appreciated on so many different sensory levels. One I was trying to explore by starting this thread was the name. Whether it be the sound, spelling, connotation, denotation, definition, whatever... We can discuss all day how much we should let it affect us, and whether that degree is good or bad or indifferent. I was just sharing that it does affect me, sometimes. I'm okay with it. I'd never put it on anybody else or pass judgement on them in any way for seeing or not seeing/understanding my quirks. I was just wondering if anybody else had any of their own they'd like to share.