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Old 04-09-2012, 09:50 PM   #36
Have My Own Room
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Default Re: Need some feedback

Originally Posted by MarkinCA View Post
Doesn't sound like you're being unreasonable to me...

1. Stay away from any violence. Its a no win situation and you don't want to come down to your neighbors level.

2. If Monroe, NC has a city web page, looking up some of the local municipal codes in regards to your issue will be helpful for future reference.

3. I would make sure you document in writing all events up to and including the present (date, time, nature of the issue, photographs are very helpful).

4. From this point on, collect all sporting equipment vacated on your property (evidence and as mentioned above can later be donated to a good cause).

5. With the above in hand, you can then proceed forwards with the HOA board and present your case. The board (and through their attorney) should be able to request the neighbor to come in before them and answer questions (there can also be fines issued to the neighbor which can increase over time).

6. I personally would not hesitate to contact Monroe PD. Once they make contact with the neighbor, it will be documented in their computer system, and possibly via a report.

We live in an HOA townhome type of community here in Valencia (one of the oldest and well established) and we all respect each others property and so forth. Its the only way there is...

Good luck to you
Great answer from a great BOTL! I second his opinion. Good luck brother.
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