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Old 04-09-2012, 08:40 PM   #33
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Default Re: Need some feedback

Originally Posted by jjirons69 View Post
John, sounds like you were raised like those of us with respect and manners were. That's what separates you from the rest of the azzhats in the world. Whatever you do, don't stoop to his level. Be the bigger man. I like the HOA, police, and ball confiscation ideas. No fence - I'm not spending time and money on a fence just to keep kids at bay. I truly feel for you, as your home and property should give you peace. Best of luck. Prayers sent your way.
Unless he gets an invisible fence and puts the shock collars on the neighbor's kids

In all seriousness Jaime is right and another option might be Code Enforcement if he is not keeping the house up. Not really a solution but it least you can get him to keep his yard up and cost him a bit of money.
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