Thread: CC's or NC's?
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Old 04-09-2012, 04:50 PM   #193
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Default Re: CC's or NC's?

NC's for me. Just for background info I have smoked several CC ranging in different maracas and most have left me underwhelmed. But, one PSD4 (the 3rd one I smoked) was the best damn cigar I have ever had, the thing was an experience and I went into it pessimistic only to be blown away. Then I bought a whole mess of CC's which I have been smoking this week and they are up there with my NC's but still not what I like. For me when I smoke a cigar and really pay attention to it I can find plenty of flavors. But that PSD4 was different, I was watching the Cards and just picked it on a whim thinking I would S can it and grab a NC. It's just not worth the time, $, and I run a risk with possibly drawing attention to my job. But man, if they all could be like that one CC I would be a CC man.
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