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Old 04-09-2012, 02:52 PM   #9
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Need some feedback

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
Or get an air cannon that can fit a football in the barrell and fire one through there front door and tell them it was from some other disgruntled neighbor. You wouldn't do something so rude to a neighbor you respect so much, maybe then you invite his family over for dinner and burry them in the crawl space. Okay so maybe we draw the line right before the crawl space?
If only it were that easy. The worst part is I know other neighbors are tired of dealing with it but most would rather not say anything to avoid the conflict where I have a hard time ignoring sh*t and letting it roll of my back especially when it costs me money. Good to see I'm not the only one that this would bother. We do have a fence, fencing off the backyard but that still leaves the driveway and front yard open. Thinking about opting for a video system so when sh*t does get damaged or broken I at least have proof. I really just wish they would move but they will probably be here longer than me.
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