Thread: CC's or NC's?
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Old 04-09-2012, 02:45 PM   #185
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Default Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
I agree, "fool" may be an extreme word though as many (myself included, although I am learning) may just be inexperienced in the world of CCs. If you smoke strong NCs all the time and an occasional CC, you will not taste the subtle nuances of that CC as you are used to such dominating obvious flavors found in NCs.

I smoked NCs everyday, and loved them. I smoked an occasional CC to try it out, and I could never understand the following CC had. I did a personal experiment (Advised by a friend) and quit smoking all NCs for a month while I indulged in tons of CCs and man I am in love now.
May be fool is a bit extream but ill stand by it.

CCs take time to get used to this i agree with but dose it make them better than NCs that are good right off the bat IMHO HELL NO
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