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Old 04-09-2012, 01:52 PM   #1
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Need some feedback

Looking to see if I am a crazy @sshole and totally off base here so please feel free to give me your honest feedback.
I have a neighbor across the street who in my opinion feels the world should revolve around him and because of that his kids are learning to have the same entitled mentality. Been dealing with this issue for some time and it finally came to a head today.
My across the street neighbor who is actually a house and a half away on the other side of the streets kids are constantly either playing football or soccer in the street in front of my house instead of their own. Keep in mind their house is on a curve and the front yard is over twice the size of mine and being the neighborhood is still being built also has 6 empty lots to the other side of him. Normally I wouldn't care but his kids really have no regard for others property as they are always stepping all over our plants and shrubs, almost hitting my vehicles on a regular basis with the ball and riding their bikes across everyones front lawns and yards and regularly breaking sh*t. On numerous occasions in the past after they have either broken landscaping lights, broken something on my property or hit my vehicles with a ball and I would pull the father aside and politely asked him if he could keep his kids from playing directly in front of my house or if they do if they could be a little more respectful and mindful of my property. Every time I was the @sshole for even mentioning it and he would hold a grudge. One time he held a grudge for a good bit until my next door neighbor told him he was dead wrong for being pissed at me as his kids do the same in his yard and he has yelled at them for it and for throwing their candy and ice cream wrappers in his yard. Keep in mind this guy is super anal about his own truck to the point where he washes it a minimum of 4 times a week and that's not an exaggeration.(God forbid he mowes his damn weeds though) This would explain why you will never catch any of them playing with the ball near his own truck.
So today I happened to be in the front room where my wife and I were playing with the baby. Needless to say the one kid is literally on my driveway less than two feet from my truck waiting for his brother to pass him the ball as he saw that this was a perfect place for him to play receiver. My wife saw the fury in my eyes and told don't go out side and make a scene. So I swallowed my anger and just watched out of the corner of my eye. Needless to say the ball hits my truck and they of course abadoned the ball like they usually do and ran back to their house so when I go over there to talk to the father they can say it wasn't them but some other non existent kid in the neighborhood. Well, unfortunately for them I saw it go down. Needless to say I went out and got the ball and brought it to the father and again asked him if their going to play ball if they could either do it in front of there own house or on their lawn away from my vehicles. Needless to say this turned out to be a big loud argument which I of course was accused of picking on his kids and singling them out. I replied with when the rest of the neighbors kids do play in front of my house they are mindful and respectful to my property and if they do happen to break something they at least knock on the door to inform me. I guess the truth hurt as this is where it got really heated. The best was his kids cursing at me with zero response from the father further proving to me that he has zero respect for anyone else and probably explains why his oldest is in jail at 19 years old.
Now am I just being unreasonable here and asking too much? Never had to deal with this as any other neighbor I lived next to have taught their kids boundries and that not everyone else in the neighborhoods home was their personal playground. Hell I know if I was caught doing half the crap they do as a child my father would have severely beat my @ss as I will do with my own when she is old enough to go out and play on her own. I'm sure I am leaving a great deal out but I have already posted a book.
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