Originally Posted by shilala
I've had damn near zero luck with it, I used to use it and then I'd go right to malathion (neither of which I've used for years now). The only thing I can do with scale is to suffocate it with oil or soap. Can you expand on brand, how much you use per gallon, etc., Lance?
It'd sure make my life easier if I can get it to work for me. 
I just look for it in the ingredients of whatever. I use two different types of insecticide so if any buggers survive the one mechanism the other takes them out. Scale require a complete saturation of the plant and soil. Some plants seem to be more prone to attack. Those plants are invited to try to survive outside.

I usually double what the instructions say for ornamentals. I only use Neem and soap on the veggies. Last year I got some weird beetles on the beets that I dusted with Sevin to make them go away. But that was a one time spot occurrence.
There are a lot of frogs and lizards and such in and around the greenhouse, so I take everything out, spray it all outside, clean the greenhouse out really well and put it all back. This is a two day job but seems to work.