Originally Posted by Eros
So I tried to do the nose exhale or retrohale (are they the same thing?) technique. I didn't notice too much of a difference. I had a Liga Privada Undercrown, a Padron Prinicpe, and an Ashton 898 and some others while on my spring break. These cigars are very different from each other I'm sure. But the only differences I noticed were burn characteristics and smoke output. Some VERY slight flavor pickups but that's it. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, and I am considering dropping the habit. If they all "taste" the same to me, then what's the point? I heard that I may be "clenching shut". But I don't exactly know what that means. Any pointers?
If you can't notice the difference, smoke the cheaper ones.

Your palate will improve some over time.