I like that term "Lazy Blending" that's sort of my feelings as well. I don't want to say all the new stuff hitting the market falls into this category but..... lets be honest a A LOT of the stuff these days is centered around a pretty band/box and a ton of hype and being a "powerhouse" smoke then a quality smoke. I've only been smoking premiums since around 2000 before that it was jewel wood tips and philly blunts when I went fishing or camping. I can tell you now most honestly and truthfully I have $1. smokes ill reach for any day of the week over any Viaje, LP, RP or Illusion.
Id like to coin another term the "Bandwagon Blend" I kid you not I have thrown my money at vendors for stuff that I had to literally choke down and lie to myself about enjoying, I have no explanation why? other then "Everyone else seems to like them" so I should to.. (Is it me?)