Originally Posted by kuzi16
on a 6 x 50 toro i am almost always around a 2 hour 20 minute mark. heck... it takes me 1 hour and 30 minutes to get through a corona. the last churchill i smoked took a bit over 3 hours. and if we start talking the "A" vitola... thats usually a 4.5 hour smoke. i think this is part of the reason why i have been going for the coronas, lonesdales (1:45ish), and robustos as of late. ive slowed way down.
The first churchhill I smoked, was the last. Way to long to put down. Unless I find a blend that I absolutely love, I don't see myself spending so much time on one stick.
Well, I guess I'm not that far off! It got kind of boring, though. Not diggin' the Blue label