Thread: Is it me?
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Old 04-03-2012, 01:10 PM   #16
puta por Ninfas!
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Default Re: Is it me?

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Which would suit you better, Joe?
A cigar like a LFD triple Ligero A, or Tat Noella, or Liga Undercrown that starts at it's flavor, and then stays at that exact same flavor for 2-4 hours
An '08 JJ maduro or Oliva blue band, or Padron Anni that starts as one thing that's incredibly good, then changes into another thing that's incredibly good, and changes again, then culminates into something that's so incredibly good that words can't describe it? Something that's totally made you lose track, or care about time?
That second one, that's a good cigar to me.
Scott, that Oliva blue silk band that you sent me was a freakin' revelation. Life-alteringly good. But it had 10 years on it; I wonder what I would have thought of that cigar if I had tasted ROTT...

I do love the Tat Noellas and all of the small gauges from PJ that I've tried; hated the red-band Havana VI; again, here you have circumstance injected to the equation: I was at one of my nephew's ball games and I had no other cigar, so my resentment of "being stuck" with that awful stick compounded my feelings.

Padron Annis are heaven to me, especially the maduros. The Undercrown...they're a conundrum. Smoke them ROTT and you'll likely be underwhelmed; but JD himself told me that waiting 30-45 days after you buy them makes a difference. And I'd love to have the wherewithal to put a number of them away for 1-5 years, tasting along the way and making notes to compare.

The LP-9 I had was superb; a UF-13 was also superb, a singular joy. I have a couple T-52s and MUWAT Baitfish waiting in the RTS humi. We passed a FFP around at the Blueface/Mr. Maduro herf last month and it was underwhelming, but I could see a lot of potential there.

I'll never like anything with "triple ligero" in the name, nor anything that advertises itself as "strong as balls." Strength just isn't what I smoke cigars for, and pepper is a nice undertone in an otherwise complex cigar, but in the forefront I find it offensively obstructive. It gets in the way of anything else the cigar might have to offer.

The skill of a blender shows in a blend which allows many flavors to come through the smoke; nuanced, bold...mingled, separate—every flavor change is pure joy for me, like opening one present after another on Christmas. No flavor has to be "greater" than another, just so that all can have their moment. That to me is a perfect cigar; Punch Ninfas and PLPCs give me that...the HU Mag 50 ELs I smoked ROTT after their release too. And that Oliva. :
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