I'll agree to some extent with ya Todd. I find myself really digging the stronger stuff, which Scott tells me is from chewing Copenhagen for 33+ years.
I love the Liga Privada #9 but cannot for the life of me get into the T-52s at all. Viaje stuff is hit and miss with me...I really love the earlier releases of the Skull N Bones, the newer releases just didn't do it for me. Now the Viaje Holiday Blend makes me flip my wig each time I smoke one. Tatuaje is another extreme hit and miss for me...I have loved very few and was left completely baffled more times than i'd care to admit.
While my palate is not anywhere near some of you guys on here, I know what I like. I will take a stick with pepper/spice any day of the week over a more complex/changing stick. That is just what I enjoy.
My "hypestick" this year was the Lou Rodriguez Edicion Reserva. This stick tickles me every time I light one up...in any vitola.
That's the great thing about this hobby...ever changing palates and flavors. I was gifted a Tatuaje Series P (early release) about 18 months ago. This is a stick that I would NEVER had tried and after I did...I LOVED IT!!! This is one of my go to "change of pace" sticks when I want something a lot lighter. The flavors on these are amazing.
I must also admit that I love the El Rey del Mundo Maduro Robusto...this stick is fantastic. Big sleeper stick IMHO. That's the weird thing, this stick goes against everything I stated above...no pepper, no spice...but damn smooth and very tasty.
Bottom line is that we all have different palates and get pleasure in sharing our experiences with fellow BOTL.